Monday, January 9, 2012

ABCs of people in our lives

A for Aunty...any woman older to us we call Aunty, soon as I gave birth to Mikhail, from Charmaine I was suddenly referred to as Aunty.
"Aunty mat kaho naaa...

B for Behenji...all the walas call us ladies that...bhajiwala, doodhwala, behenji kitna kilo aloo chahiye? Luckily in Dubai, don't face that problem.
Do I look like a behenji...kabhi nahiii

C for Crushes...we've all had them at some point of our life...

D for dates...funniest ones I've been on...will write about it some other time..
D for Drunk parties famous for such types where people act the weirdest...
Remember one such person trying to pull me out to show me the moon...scared the hell outta me I must say...

E for Eccentric husband says so...ask him why?

F for Fraands (Friends)...old ones, new ones, renewed ones ;), har ek friend zaroori hota hai!

G for Gossips ....their main job...great to get latesht khabar from such people..

H for Husbands, janam janam ka saathi...don't think Nigel would like the idea of having me as a wife for all his 7 lives, in his first..I've kinda made him bald...

H for Homos ...short form for homosexuals...seen a few in especially..hehe...tight fitting tops and jeans, well manicured hands...sheesh...look at mine...

I for Icons ...people who we look up to...though I like the Iconic fashion place at Dubai..

J for Jerks...we all come across some in our lives
J for Jewellers...a person I love to visit..all women do!

K for Kanjoos...misers...only one person comes to my mind...she will kill me on reading this...

L for Lovers...maybe a lover turns into your husband or wife...or maybe you have a lover and a husband/wife

M for Midwife ...will never forget that lady who helped me push out my gigantic 8 pounder son..

N for Nincompoops ..a word I learnt from an English professor in college...another word for Idiot.

O for Orators..not many are....wish some priests could be good orators..I would pay attention to their sermons in church.

P for Parents...Gods representatives on earth...
P for Hindi movies they always come after everything is over...but in Dubai they come fast...obviously..they have BMWs and Nissan Patrols not old Maruti Gypsies..

Q for Quadriplegic...a word I heard for the first time from Guzaarish..Beautifully enacted by Hrithik Roshan.

R for of Mikhail's many pet names.

S for Saalas...My brother and husband...super saala relationship..

T for Troublemakers...normally used to be the domestic help...but luckily don't have that I am my own domestic help.
Tax payers...unfortunately still am..ab tho NRI ban gayi..tho zyadaa

U for Uncle...any man who is old...I call him it the autorickshaw driver or the taxiwala...he is an uncle.

V for Virgins...not virgin Mary

W for Weight watchers..they eat like sparrows hawks like me a complex

X for Xenophobic..I feel I am but when I see people from my country spitting on streets of another blood boils..

Yfor Youth ..I don't think I come under that category anymore

Z for Zealots...aren't we all...fighting for religion and areas to occupy...

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