Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sugar and spice and being nice...

Nice is such a vague word
Something from our parents as kids we've always heard..
Be nice, be nice, Be nice!
But who wants to be sugary and nice
When you can be a bit flavoured with spice.

Being nice has benefits you see,
Besides feeling good about yourself, it also increases optimism in a world where there is so much negativity.
Be nice to the jerk who cuts you off in traffic,
Don't show him the middle finger and panic,
wave and say its okay
Smile and just drive away.
I've wanted to be rude many times too,
But its not good for health for both me or you.

Be nice...ask people how they're doing in their lives,
If they resist or think you're trying to pry,
Just let them know you're always there and just wanted to drop a line to say hi.

Be nice ...don't forget your P's and Q's,
Don't we all like polite people,
Who never forget their 'Please ' and 'Thank you's'

Being nice from being rude is a great makeover,
But don't be so nice that you get pushed over.
Remember the golden rule, treat people the way you wish to be treated...
But don't let being nice always be taken for granted.

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