Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's in a name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
This is one of Shakespeare's quotes of Romeo and Juliet.

Maybe a rose would smell the same if called by another name, but I don't think I would like to be called anything else but 'CHARMAINE'.

I love my name. It means 'Charming' in French.
Forgive me for being immodest but my name suits me to the 'T'.

But this beautiful name of mine has been misspelt, mispronounced and murdered in short.
It has to be pronounced as 'Shar Main'.
I know my name starts with a 'C' but that doesn't mean that it should be pronounced as 'Charr Mahine'.
I remember my Math professor calling me 'Chairman'.
During my 8 year old career in banking, I was rechristened 'Shamin' or even 'Shamim'...
Rechristened and converted by colleagues and clients, especially in postal communications from brokers.
I can't blame anyone as my name is such, that I am often referred to as 'Mr. Charmaine Rangel'.

But what about a simple name like 'Carl'. That's my brother's name. Poor guy he has often had a sex change, where his name is misspelt as 'Carol'.

My maiden name 'Daji' such an easy pronounceable surname is often misspelt as 'Darji' or 'Darjee' , maybe people assumed that I am a seamstress or my ancestors were a whole lot of tailors.
I recall my first grade teacher calling me ' Daagii'.
My present surname is to be pronounced as 'Rain gel' but it is mispronounced as 'Run gale'.
My husband faces the same problem too with a simple name like 'Nigel'. Now what's so difficult to pronounce his name, but sadly he is referred to as 'Ni gol' by his European boss.
Surprising though, since his name is English.

I guess we 'Catlicks' (Catholics) have funny names which are difficult to pronounce or spell.
What men! Can't blame these buggers for spoiling our name naaa!

Wanted to give my son a three letter name but named him 'Mikhail'
Luckily on his birth certificate, the BMC have been kind enough to copy the name correctly.
I wonder what he will face in future though.
That's a problem he will have to face on his own......

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