Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can you plan your life?

Can you plan your life?
Yes, it is necessary to plan to a certain extent but you must not get upset or rave and rant if things don't always go your way.
No one knows what will happen the next
minute or even the next split of a second.

When I look back at my own life, I would say life took its own turns and curves and I just moved with the flow.
I guess sometimes you have no choice as there is something called fate or destiny.

I never planned to get married...at one point I thought marriage was too much responsibility and let's say cooking was not my forte.
I loved being a single undomesticated banker and loved being with my parents.
But fell in love with my first and last boyfriend, now husband.
Both marriage and death can't be planned. They both happen suddenly.

I'm married with a son ( want another one, another kid...boy or girl...), I am very domesticated homemaker and I'm loving it.

That was the first part, the second part was moving to Dubai...totally unplanned.
I loved Mumbai with all its flaws.....and never wanted to move. I had even decided the pre-school in which I'd put Mikhail in.
Suddenly, hubby got this transfer to Dubai and lock, stock and barrel we moved...furniture and all, sold our brand new car, scooter and shifted to this new land I call home.

What are my plans for the future? I know that I want to put Mikhail in pre-school, I need to give my driving test again..hope third time lucky and I clear...plan a trip to Paris and Geneva etc. Yes there are plans..

But more than that, I really don't know and do not want to know...I like surprises.( good surprises).
The only question I ask my husband is " After Dubai, where next?"...
Let's see where the future takes us...
Que sera sera whatever will be will be,
The future's not ours to see,
Que sera sera....

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