Friday, January 6, 2012

Dead end of some friends

Today read a very interesting article by Bikram Vohra in Wknd which is a weekly magazine of The Khaleej Times titled 'Old friends and dead ends' where he states 'you may have been childhood buddies but as time passes by, you may find that things don’t always stay as warm and fuzzy and fun.'
True, sad but true! We all face it at some point in our lives.

Today a close friend met an old college friend, who worked at the same bank some years back. But this funny college friend wouldn't acknowledge her then and refused to even recognise her at office. Today she was all friendly asking her out for lunch. Huh!!! Did she have a 'Ghajini' a short term memory loss.... Weird....

You may connect with some friends after years, maybe they'll write back ...but then you realise that they don't want to keep in touch and it's ok. They've moved on and so have you. If they don't want to keep in touch, it's cool.
You can't force friendship on someone.
You can take a horse to the water but you can't force the horse to drink, right!!.

There are some friends who are 'out of sight out of mind' kind of people. They don't call you on your birthday, anniversary, special occasions etc. That's ok too.
I guess they are so busy, that they don't have a minute to spare...and there are some like us sitting idle counting our fingers and toes!

What happens to people? Why do they change? Money, fame, status, too many commitments....
already have too many space for no more on your list.
Maybe people suspect, you want to be friends for a favour or is there some motive behind the friendship. Sad!!!
People don't value old friendships anymore.

Why can't friendships be above all this? Who cares if you are the Queen of Timbaktu or the king of Madagascar ...or a superstar of Bhojpuri movies or a homemaker like me...all we want is your ' Fraaandshipp'...
Is that too much to ask!

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