Friday, January 20, 2012

You know you're a mother when..

Today was a friend's daughters first sports day at school and she was so happy and excited, and we both felt that motherhood indeed is the best thing ever.
That made me start thinking and so I decided that since I had written on Motherhood earlier thought I'd blog on You know you're a mother when...

1. In your handbag instead of make-up your carrying a packet of Pampers, baby powder and wipes

2. You're more worried about your kids breakfast, lunch and dinner than your own and you forget about eating breakfast completely.

3. Your BlackBerry, I phone or I pod is filled with your kids nursery rhymes and his favourite songs and in time they become your favourite too. Also instead of watching movies or soaps, you spend most of your time watching nursery rhyme DVDs or CDs.

4. You get more excited going to a toy store than a jeweller.

5. Your more interested in shopping for your kids clothes or shoes than your own.

6. Your more interested in your kids finger and toe nails and forget to take care of your own.

7. Your taking a shower or sitting in the loo is the only me time you get.

8. You love a coupe but you end up buying a family sedan.

9. Your sleep depends on the sleep of your toddler.

10. You wake up every time you hear your kid cough or sneeze or whine.

11. You're more excited about your kids sports day or other school days than your kid.

12. You start doing research on schools for your kid even before they have started to walk.

13. You clean your baby's backside like you've been doing it all your life and your nose is accustomed to all the aromas of his or her excretion.

14. You sleep on one side of your body the entire night as your kid sticks to you even though he has his own bed, though it seems his bed is bought for his toys.

15. You are least bothered about drool or baby food on you as you realise there are more important things to worry about.

16. You may be at work but at times your mind is on how your kid is doing with his nanny at home.

17. Your heart aches when you've to leave for work every morning as you have to leave a sleeping baby.

I can go on and on ....but this is the immediate ones I could think off...I'm sure many mothers would kinda agree on the above. You can add to my list!

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