Friday, January 6, 2012

Motherhood - life changing I must say...

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone

19th March, of the happiest moments of my life...Mikhail was born...I became a Mother.
But also the beginning of countless sleepless nights and the end of nights of uninterrupted sleep.
Unlike other professions, where you undergo training at the start, in Motherhood there is no training, you are a horse thrown into the water and you have to learn how to swim...and swim you do.
Motherhood changes your life...everyday is a new day, nothing is routine..
Before Mikhail came onto the scene, Nigel and I would go for spontaneous long drives, late night movies or sudden vacations.
But after Mikhail's birth, if we plan to go for a drive, we carry a packet of Pampers, wet wipes, powder etc. among other baby paraphernalia.
Vacations need to be planned well in advance, air tickets booked in such a manner that no one is seated at the side of me, as not many passengers like kids. Luckily, Mikhail is very well behaved on board. He sleeps!
Manicures and pedicures take a back seat, you are not worried about the stretch marks on your tummy or the bulge after giving birth, as the most important thing in your life is this bundle of joy..the biggest bundle of joy.

When Mikhail falls sick, I feel the longevity of my life is reduced. Don't mind it though, as long as he gets better.
I understand exactly what my mother went through when Carl and I were sick. Even today at the age of 32, she is worried when I'm sick though I'm away.
That's a mother's love!
A mother's love is unconditional, no matter how naughty or stubborn your kid is, you will love him/her anyway.

Motherhood has made me more loving, more accessible, a little less shy and introverted, a multi tasker, a better has taken out the best in me.
Sometimes I wonder, what will Mikhail become, a footballer, a musician, a doctor, a priest ( Father Michael)...( no boxing, no army)...
But I'm not worried, I just want Mikhail to be a good human being, that's all.

Motherhood has changed my life with one, do I want to change my life once again, let's wait and see....

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