Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Are we Indians really Independent?

Today, 15th August 2012, is the 65th Indian Independence Day,
where everyone in India enjoys a public holiday.
Some may relax and rejuvenate on this day and watch " Ek Tha tiger" in multiplexes or single screen cinemas,
and whistle to the dialogues of Salman and latkas and jhatkas of Katrina.

Though my ancestors maybe Portugese and Persian,
I am a true blue "mixed breed" Indian,
Even though I reside in another country,
I always have the Indian flag perched all 365 days on my drawing room wall along with that of the UAE.
And like a typical Indian foodie,
I made a cuisine to match the Indian flag,
a white rice, green cabbage vegetable and a nice orange lamb curry.

But jokes aside, this Independence day, I need to ask each one of you a question.
Are we Indians really and truly independent?
We are not, I am afraid!
I am sorry and ashamed to mention.

Independence should ideally mean freedom of choice, freedom of expression,
freedom of movement, freedom from discrimation and freedom from corruption.

Freedom of choice now that's a myth,
where a girl or boy in most parts of India have to marry as per their parents wish.
They cannot select a spouse of their own choice,
if they do, some of them are subject to honour killings, with their life they are forced to pay the price.

Freedom of expression, whenever we open our mouths, we are told to hush up and keep quiet,
if movies are created on certain issues, political parties interfere and create a riot.
No one likes to hear the truth or listen to reason,
if we are independent then howcome we still do not enjoy the freedom of expression.

"Hey you're a mallu, hey you're from Karnataka,
hey Madrasi, how dare you enter our Maharashtra!
That's freedom of movement for you,
where an Indian cannnot move freely from one state to another,
without unnecessary cries, verbal and physical abuse.
Can a woman move freely without being stared at lasviciously,
or teased and troubled by lecherous Indians publicly.
Can she move freely at 12 AM midnight,
without certain apprehensions or always looking back to see if she's being followed, in fright.

Discrimination is a way of the Indian life,
no Hindu man will ever want a Muslim wife
or for that matter no Brahmin will with a Dalit be seen in close proximity,
and among Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Parsis,
there's discrimination within sects, you see.
We often hear "Oh you're a Mangalorean, Oh you're a Keralite, oh you're a Goan",
but no one realises that we belong to one country and we are all " Bloody Indians"!

Unfortunately, freedom from corruption is the hardest to attain,
to achieve a corrupt free country, over 80% of the politicians need to be slain.
Where taxes collected should be sent to the government exchequer,
are used by politicians to make their lives better.
Where corruption is found at every level,
from bribing a government official to the traffic policeman for breaking a signal.

I know this is a pretty hard hitting article to write on Independence day,
I am an Independent Indian, I wish to celebrate it in my own way,
After all I am executing my freedom of expression,
by writing what I feel and bringing it to everybody's attention.

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