Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Har Haath Mein Phone!!- The Government's new Mantra!

"Har Haath Mein Phone" is the new mantra of the UPA,
where PM Manmohan Singh has decided to give to 6.5 lakh below poverty line (BPL) families,
mobile phones freely away.

Read this in the newspapers and found it extremely amusing
that our government for the upcoming elections in 2014,
such senseless tactics are using!

So instead of providing the BPL families " Roti, kapda aur Makaan"
the government wisely decided, 'why not provide free mobiles and make them less "Pareshaan"!'
Also with the free phone, comes free talktime of 200 minutes,
sadly, the BPL families cannot fill their empty stomachs with it.

Sonia Gandhi must have said "Chalo let's go the Marie Antoinette's way,
she said "Let them eat cake" and so why not we get votes by giving free phones away."

But will these mobile phones function, that is my primary question,
where in most rural areas there is no network coverage for any kind of connection.
Besides the big issue of no mobile connectivity,
how will these families charge their new cell phones, if they enjoy no luxury of electricity.

Off late, political parties have thought of new means and methods to collect votes,
some distribute Televisions freely, some washing machines and some even distribute 100 rupee notes.

Rs. 7000 crores seems to be an exorbitant amount on a frivolous scheme of cell phones to spend,
where these poor families do not have any means, to survive their hapless end!

Instead why can't the government concentrate on " Har Haath Mein kitaab",
I am sure it'll be beneficial and for everyone bring about " Shubh Laabh"!

1 comment:

  1. How ridiculous can the government become??? The people living below the poverty line are not in need of a mobile phone at least. What they need is at the most one full meal in a day. At the skyrocketing prices of today, even the middle class families find it difficult to meet their monthly expenses. What to say about the people living below the poverty line. The day politicians stop making exorbitant money for themselves, that day will be the real sunshine for almost all downtrodden people of India.
