Friday, August 3, 2012

My Dieting debacle!!

After my three week "bingeing" trip in Mumbai,
decided I'd follow the diet recommended by "Chota Bhai"
the famous Primal Diet by Mark Sisson,
but to follow such a diet for me would indeed be life's toughest decision.
It's a diet where you have to give up all sorts of carbohydrates,
and after hearing about what I'd have to sacrifice,
I decided I'd give up water instead and dehydrate!

No dals, no rice, no cereals, no rotis,
imagine having your meat and fish curry with a plate full of veggies.
For breakfast it's okay to have eggs with cheese, sausages and ham,
but no bread and butter and definitely no marmalades or fruit jam.

Mark Sisson recommends eating alot of cherries,strawberries and all types of berries,
but being a loyal sweet toothed Indian,
I can't think of giving up the ladoos, pedas and the sugar syrup coated jalebis.
Eating chocolates made of 85% cocoa is also recommended by him,
but the idea of giving up my Galaxy's, Toblerones and all kinds of milk chocolates is the biggest sin.

Then a friend told me about her diet recommended by some doctor,
where you eat a Marie biscuit every half hour and drink gallons of water.
For breakfast you don't eat the yoke but eat six egg whites
and for lunch and dinner, half kilo vegetables with 100 grams rice.

Who can ever follow such primal, medieval or modern diets!
Besides the Hollywood and Bollywood bimbettes and starlets,
who need to have the hour glass figure or rather the anorexic look,
where they only inhale the steam from the dishes they cook.

It is rightly said that a diet is the penalty you pay when you exceed the feed limit,
but I don't want to be penalised in such a hefty manner so I've decided I'd rather not diet.

Maybe some people can diet and some just cannot,
I fall into the second category, where I know I'll lose weight,
cause' laughter is the best exercise and I do laugh alot!!

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