Saturday, August 4, 2012

Should Anna Hazare and team join the political bandwagon?

At last Anna Hazare decided to end his fast and form a "Political alternative"
But what benefit will Anna and his supporters to the political system give?
Team Anna has decided for the next two years to travel across the country,
to search for suitable candidates to fight elections as a political alternative
and if unsuccessful, to form their own political party.

So is Anna and team doing the right thing?
By entering politics, will they in the present political scenario, a difference bring!
The Congress in its two terms  has left the economy in shambles
whereas the BJP as a party is mired with their internal infighting and infamous for being communal.
A political party by team Anna would indeed be a refreshing change,
where a party would be formed for betterment of the country than playing religious and caste games.
A political party formed to contest elections not to appease minorities on the pretext of secularism
and concentrate on the country's future development and fight against the Political "chors", " dacoits" and "devils" of corruption.

I only hope this is not the reigning party's conspiracy,
to support Anna to form a political party,
where the congress gets votes and people's support with assistance from Anna and team,
And once again, shatter hopes of a better India, along with a billion dreams!

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