Sunday, August 12, 2012

What prospective grooms actually look for in a bride!!

Prospective grooms in their search for a bride mention requirements of age, height, education, caste and even sect,
But if you actually read between the lines, they want someone who for the " Job of wife",
is absolutely, positively, undoubtedly, completely perfect!

She must be a MODEL who is 36"-24"-36"  but also an ACCOUNTANT with a  head for figures,
she must be averse to shopping and must always ensure,
she doesn't exceed the budgeted household expenditure.

She must be a MASTER-CHEF who understands the concept of fine dining,
but at the same time ensures she cooks humongous quantities of food,
lest the husband is in the foulest of moods.
because a man in a hungry state will be constantly grumbling and whining,

She must be an excellent HOUSEKEEPER,
who at least once a day, sweeps, mops and dusts,
cleans the toilets and bath tubs regularly,
which for the husband, is an absolute must.

She must be a NANNY to his children,
feeds them and cleans them by nine.
Plays with them, reads to them, disciplines them,
and ensures they sleep early at night,
so that with the husband she can spend more " Quality" time.

She must be an EVENT MANAGER,
excellent in organizing birthdays, anniversaries and all kinds of events,
ensuring that the best is served,
but at the same time ensure, the least amount is spent.

She must possess effective SECRETARIAL skills,
as men seem to be blessed with poor memories,
She needs to keep reminders on her phone,
even though he can do so, with his very own Blackberry.

She needs to be his PERSONAL ASSISTANT or Diary for all special days,
and needs to be the TELE CALLER for friends and family,
just in case he's held up at work or in a meeting delayed.

Basically she should be a " Joan of all trades and MBA of all",
love, care and serve her husband hand and foot,
and in time, turn them into fattened turkey butterballs!

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