Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Funny Finds on Facebook!

While browsing through Facebook, many posts, pictures and comments catch my attention,
But more than entertainment, I sometimes get certain bouts of apprehension!

When people put up " X is at Y five star hotel" or at the " Byculla zoo"
After reading such funny statuses, I've decided to make one for Facebook, 
"Charmaine has checked into her residential loo!"
Seriously, nobody cares if you're at the Itc, Sheraton, Taj or Armani at the Burj Khalifa,
But if your stalker is on Facebook, it would be so easy for him/ her to know exactly where you are.
Imagine if all criminals and terrorists updated on Facebook their whereabouts,
The world would indeed be a peaceful place to live in, without an iota of doubt!
Maybe Osama had mentioned his location on Facebook with "Osama is at Abbotabad"
That's the reason the US were able to trace him so easily, without working too hard!

The second find on Facebook which I found extremely absurd
Is when people talk or post pictures on religion, 
personally, I feel, is not at all required.
After all religion is a very private and a controversial issue,
We don't need Facebook for people to express their religious views.
I'm sure most of us go to temples, churches, gurudwaras and mosques,
We don't need a fun site like Facebook, to preach sermons to the social networking flock.
If people want to carry out the process of evangelisation,
Facebook, I'm sorry is not the right place, so please use some sense of discretion.
We all we visit Facebook to catch up with friends, family and network with people across the globe,
We don't need to be overtly religious and on others our "Godly" thoughts impose.

The last funny find on Facebook which I found extremely hilarious
is when people post " I'm sick, I've got a cough and cold", 
Facebook is not going to cure you, you need a doctor, medical aid or an antivirus!
If you want to joke about your illness or your cuts or burns like me,
It's absolutely fine, but remember Facebook can cure you socially but not medically.

That's it ...Take me seriously or don't, it's absolutely your choice,
I'm just a blogger expressing my point of views, 
in a manner which is poetically frank as well as politely nice;)!

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