Monday, May 14, 2012

Child Sexual Abuse...Disgusting!!

Child sexual abuse, the thought of it makes me cringe in disgust.
The most sickening part is when you actually read about babies abused by men to satisfy their sexual lust. 
On Satyamev Jayate, it was brought out that a grand father abused his two year old grand child, Disgusting isn't it!!
But I'm not surprised that such sick minded people very much exist.
The surprising part is they could be known to you, definitely not a stranger,
for all you know they could be an uncle or your over friendly building neighbour.
He will have two grown up kids of his own,
But will molest  a girl of nine even though she's not fully grown
And the poor child will be shell shocked and dumb founded,
After all hasn't she been taught by her family, that elders have to be respected.
Even if the poor child complains to her parents and they confront the sick guy,
the perverted man will give his own story and will blatantly lie.
If such elders in our society exists even today,
I'm afraid for my child, I feel so sad and sorry to say.
Should he trust the people who ruffle his hair,pinch his cheeks or shake his hand,
It's hard to say, one of them could be a paedophilic man.
As parents we've got to protect our children, keep them safe
But is it possible to be with them 24X7, what sense does it make.
The only solution is to educate them, even before they learn their ABCs,
I know it sounds silly, but this is very much hard hitting reality!!

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