Monday, May 21, 2012


Day 3 - 21May 2012

What a hot, sweaty day it has been!! But a wonderful sight seeing filled day.
Today we visited the Grand Palace in Bangkok which used to house the Royal Family of Thailand.
One of the most beautiful structures I've ever seen. Lovely murals, lovely statues, awesome architecture ( photos will follow once I get back). 
A must see in Bangkok though entry fee is 400 baht per person which is a bit high for Thailand standards. But after going all the way, it is indeed a site worth seeing. The temple of the Emerald Buddha was also beautiful. Unfortunately photography not allowed and I was caught for doing so.
It was so freakin' hot that we had to stop at Hagen Dazs which is in the palace area for a cool refreshing Caribbean Sunrise which is a mango sorbet with lime, pineapple juice and soda. Perfect for the hot summer day. Mikhail gulped down a chocolate cookie milkshake happily. 
He was awesome!! I'm not praising my son, but he has enjoyed every bit of the trip. Sometimes I don't feel he's two. He enjoyed climbing the stairs of the palace and took in the lovely paintings on the walls shouting paapi paapi whenever he saw flowers on the way. 
Next stop was Wat Pho, the temple of the reclining Buddha which is unbelievable. For 20 baht we could buy coins and put them in wishing bowls. Prayed for all family and friends while putting each coin in each bowl.
Dinner was at Taling Pling which serves authentic Thai food, a quaint restaurant very close to our hotel filled with lot of " goras" drinking beers chatting away. Mikhail was the only kid among us adults. 
Had a lovely Thai Green curry which is different from what we get in Dubai or Mumbai, it's spicy!!! Chicken Thai Kebabs with Spring rolls and a spicy papaya salad followed by stir fry noodles in a cat fish black bean sauce.
Dessert was the banoffee pie which they're famous for. Pretty good though too much banana.
Overall an interesting day. Enjoying every single bit of it. Feels good to be pampered once in a while. Still lots more to see. 
Let's see what tomorrow brings. Till then " Sawatdi" ( goodbye in Thai).

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