Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life is a risk....take it...

Life is a risk, but risks we must take,
Else later as time passes by, we will realise that a mistake we did make.
We are given only one life to live, each individual with different life years,
But if we have to take a chance, we can't always live in fear.

If you love someone, tell the person that you do,
be ready to face the music cause' he/she may not feel the same for you.
But it's better than keeping all those feelings pent up inside,
at least now you know how he/she feels, there's nothing more to hide.

If some person who is interested in you, does suddenly come your way,
And if you like him/ her too, don't turn or walk away.
Give this person a chance to be part of your life,
Don't judge him/her based on education or qualifications without knowing what's deep down inside.
Because if you are waiting for Mr. Or Miss Right, then you'll be waiting for long,
cause there is no one who is absolutely perfect, you'd even ignore Sita or Jesus Christ,
if from heaven they came along.
From studies to marriage to relocation to leaving my job, I know in my life I've taken risks
But I've accepted everything in my stride and don't regret any of life's twists.
I'm not here to impose my thoughts but here to give my point of view,
you can like a chewing gum spit it out after you do chew.

After all life is a journey which one must explore,
On opportunities that come your way, don't always shut the door.
Live life to the fullest give each day your best,
And then when you know you can't do more, just leave to God the rest.

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