Friday, May 4, 2012

Do we all need a Digital Detox....

Don't we all need a digital detox,
Where we just stop chatting and pick up the phone and talk.
Where we spend less time with friends or acquaintances on Blackberry and Facebook,
And spend more time with those physically around us, or spend time reading a good book.
We all have become so impersonal and lost that human touch,
Where we are closer to our Smartphones and Tablets than people, 
has life advanced so much!
Where we rather discuss our private life on Facebook or on Twitter,
But forget to call those who are close to us or those that really matter.
Some people even chat while having their lunch or dinner,
They forget that there are other humans too and forget their messaging etiquette and manners.

Yes, it's great to have to such advanced technology where we get to know how family and friends across the globe are,
But we don't have to spend the whole day online, we can chat with them for 30 minutes or maximum an hour.
We all enjoy reading blogs and posting stuff online too,
But I'm sure that's not the only work, all of us do.
There's housework, office targets to achieve, besides checking Facebook updates,
It's ok if you miss checking your wall or posts, you won't be marked late.
I love Facebook, I love blogging and I love chatting with my friends and know how they do,
And I'm sure many of you out there in the virtual world love to do so too.
But I still feel I'm getting a bit addicted to my IPad and Blackberry,
Which move with me from one room to another, hand in hand, literally.
So from today, 4th May 2012, I've made a conscious decision, 
Less Facebook, limited  chatting, maybe some reading, painting and catching up with good ole television!

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