Sunday, May 20, 2012


Day 2 - 20 May 2012

Slept for nine hours, woke up at 9.30, not done that in ages.
This feels like a holiday, no cleaning, no cooking, no mopping, no vacuuming, no grocery shopping, just relaxing with the two men in my life.
After a super scrumptious breakfast of pancakes with nutella, Danish, waffles with chocolate sauce, Carrot cake, Chocolate croissants, Lemon and poppy seed muffins, coffee etc etc...couldn't eat the eggs and the meats and the yoghurts and the dim sums etc they served for breakfast. Was happy with the savouries.
We then took a cab to the Chatuchak market which is the world's largest weekend market.
It has everything. From prawns to porn. From clothes to crockery.  
Mikhail loved the wind chimes got a pic of him playing with them. Also he loves penguins or should I say Ming min as he fondly calls them. He found miniature ceramic ones which we were forced to buy.
We walked for 2.5 hours in the sweltering heat, Mikhail walked for an hour and a half and then like a droopy flower, he slept on his father's shoulders. 
Lot of food in Chatuchak too, but we were too stuffed after the heavy breakfast. We picked up a very tasty Thai style stir fried rice with shrimps and chicken and Pad Thai noodles with Shrimps and egg.
Evening started on a holy note as realized we have the Assumption Suska Church near the Lebua Hotel, so heard a bit of the mass in Thai. A very beautiful old church of 200 years.
From there we walked and walked and walked down the streets of Bangkok. Bangkok is so different from Dubai and so much like Mumbai. Car drivers breaking signals, impatiently waiting for pedestrians to cross unlike Dubai where they actually wait for you to cross. Tuk tuk guys trying to sell us tours. Love the taxis here. They're are so colourful. They are painted in pinks, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. Reminds me of my old yellow car.
Dinner was at Kowloon which is a restaurant below the Holiday Inn which serves authentic Hong Kong food. Had lovely Sui Mai which are dim sums with Pork and Shrimps, deeply fried spring rolls with chicken and shrimp and Yeang Chow style fried rice with prawns, pork, egg and chicken. Too much meat!!! I guess tomorrow will have to turn vegetarian. Saw quite a few Indian pure veggie restaurants in the vicinity. Feel sorry for the vegetarians as Bangkok is all about meat....literally ;).
My feet ache after the walking...maybe tomorrow a Thai foot massage would work wonders.

Anyone planning to visit Bangkok, Lebua is a wonderful hotel. The staff are very sweet and helpful. Taxis are called right to the hotel door step and the best part is we've been paying by the meter.

So this is day two in a nutshell!!

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