Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Funny Wedding Night

The wedding reception had ended
the last guest was about to leave
the bridal couple looked happy and content,
they heaved a sigh of relief.

They were looking forward to the wedding night,
their first as husband and wife.
So they drove away to their new home,
to begin their newly married life.

He carried her in his arms 
and slowly opened the front door.
He suddenly shrieked in fright, dropping the puzzled bride, 
"THUD",on the hard white marble floor.

The house was filled with friends and family
and relatives from God knows where.
There was no place for the bridal couple!
To seat them, not a solitary chair.

The friends and family cheered and clapped 
and yelled aloud " Surprise!!"
The groom smiled and glanced helplessly
at his beautiful wife, by his side.

Finally at 11 PM,the friends and family bid their final good byes,
but suddenly there were sounds of sobbing
T'was the groom's mother,not the mother of the bride,
incessantly, wailing and weeping.

One by one, friends and family left
and the house was finally empty.
He carried her in his strong arms once again,
into the candle lit bedroom hurriedly.

But to his dismay, as luck would have it
there were roses on the bed strewn,
and the bedroom floor was filled
with yellow, red and white,
giant heart shaped balloons.

He put her down and said sadly 
"What if there's a thorn or two amongst this bed of  flowers!
The neighbours will wonder why we're yelling.
At such a God forsaken, unearthly hour,
it'll seem a bit embarrassing!"

So together,husband and wife collected the balloons and petals,
and swept the house completely 
The wedding night had ended,but the " Marriage"  had begun
he looked up at his wife, knowing he had made the right choice
and smiled at her happily.

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