Friday, April 12, 2013

Immortal Love

Two  lovers under the moon's luminous light.
on a hot summer April night
were seated on the seashore enjoying the sand and sea breeze,
arm in arm, knee over knee.

She gazed at him, he was dazed by her,
they had spent a large part of their lives together.
They had withstood all the tests of time,
but their love for each other was most sublime.

To be together, they had fought both kith and kin
separation would have left them dead from within.
And so they eloped and started their journey all alone,
just the two of them and a crucifix of red stone.

They married at the small chapel near the sea,
and started a restaurant together steadily.
They both slogged at their restaurant at the beach night and day
but always thanked God for everything he sent their way

God to them had also been very kind and bountiful
they were blessed with a beautiful home and twin boys infallible.
Love ruled both home, hearth and restaurant
they were happy and content with limited want.

The children grew into mature adults and left home to study,
they got respectable jobs and in time they did marry.
The lovers became grandparents to two boys and three girls,
they were married 52 years, happy in their fulfilled world.

But sadly this togetherness on earth did not last forever,
she was taken away suddenly due to a pneumonic fever.
He was grief stricken, he couldn't believe she was no more
He prayed to God to make haste and take him to death's door.

A week later on April 10, he passed away in his sleep
She was no longer around to make his heart leap.
Both are buried together near the seaside cemetery 
they've turned to dust, but their love still lives immortally 
And so these lovers still meet under a luminous moonlit night,
in their shimmering garbs of silver and white.

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