Wednesday, April 17, 2013

When God Appeared...

Time stood still, the earth shook and quavered
and then suddenly a man dressed in white in the sky appeared.
With sleight of hand he parted the earth and day turned to night,
but he was shining bright like the brightest of lights
People were awestricken, confused and petrified,
Is this an alien, is this God, they thought terrorised.

And then he spoke for all the world to hear,
people looked up at him with a revered fear.
" I created you all in my likeness and image 
but to each other you continue to cause perpetual damage.
You fight within yourselves, for religion, for land, for race,
and commit carnage, bloodshed, destruction in utmost disgrace.
Innocent lives are lost, infants die in their mothers wombs,
playgrounds overnight are converted into burial tombs.
I created the mountains, deserts, the seven seas in all it's beauty,
the universe with all resplendence and unspeakable artistry.
But seas have been reclaimed for concrete jungles to be built,
trees and nature is felled without any guilt.
I gave hearts to love, eyes to see and mouths to speak,
but people communicate less amongst themselves and more with technology.
Hearts are filled with more hatred, more jealousy, greed and lust,
but don't forget all this will end, you will turn to dust."

 " But God you gave us freewill."  someone from the crowd shouted
And he replied " Yes a mistake made by me, most ill-fated.
I gave you a mind of your own to think, make decisions,
not a mind of villainy to cast aspersions or derisions.
I gave you all a conscience to see the right from wrong,
but your conscience has lost consciousness, it's been numbed too long.
I gave Freewill to all of humanity 
but didn't expect the world to turn into a combat zone, sadly.
Nonetheless, this world will see it's end  finally one day,
and for all the sins you've committed, you will have to pay.
There will be a day where I will pass judgement.
Till then my people enjoy my creations, live in merriment."
And saying this darkness turned to light,
the earth stood still, no God in sight.

He awoke from his deep sleep, his dream so surrealistic
he felt God had appeared, it did seem realistic
He threw away the rifle, picked up the crucifix, placed it close to his heart,
he promised, no more wrongdoings, he'd make a fresh start. 

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