Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Surprise Surprise

She tossed and she turned, she couldn't sleep.
she was soaked in sweat due to the summer heat.
The air-condition on her didn't have any effect,
 her husband snored loudly, whilst he slept.

Suddenly she heard noises from the rooms below,
She thought t'was the cat scratching the kitchen door.
But after a while the noises did continue
it surely didn't sound like the old cat's mew.

She was afraid to get up alone from the bed,
but she mustered courage and put on her night robe of coppery red.
She took the baseball bat which was kept at the bed side,
and slowly tip toed down the stairs, hawk eyed.

She thought she heard the stairs creak when she was down below,
but  she felt it was her weighty tiptoeing on the wooden floor.
She heard creaks again and turned around,
but this time she didn't hear any creaking sound.

She slowly walked towards the kitchen, the door was ajar.
She prayed " God please help me, you've brought me this far."
She turned around, looked left and right,
but it was too dark to see anything without the  kitchen light.

The clock struck twelve, she heard the pendulum strike 
she was startled as someone wrapped their arms around her tight.
The lights were turned on and she looked with bated breath
her husband was behind her, his arms wrapped around her yet.

Friends and family all filled up the kitchen
and they all shouted out " Surprise, Surprise" in unison.
She then realized it was the 13th of May,
fear had wiped her memory clean about her fortieth birthday.

On the kitchen table stood a delicious red velvet cheesecake 
From " Cheescake Factory" the husband got it specially baked.
There were forty candles placed around  all brightly lit,
and  " Welcome to the forties, honey!" neatly writ.

The Happy birthday song was melodiously sung,
whilst she blew out the forty candles atop the cake one by one.
She cut the cake and said to her husband with a smile lovingly,
 " Thanks for the surprise darling.
But you surely scared the living daylights out of me!"

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