Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A " Threatening" Anniversary

He'd come home from work and watch football everyday.
Whilst she in the kitchen toiled and slogged away.
He with his boxers and she with her apron
he in front of the idiot box and she in the kitchen.

On 12 April 2012, 
They completed five years of wedded "bliss"
she was hoping he'd surprise her
for putting up with his football " neurosis".

She hoped he'd leave work early 
and sweep her of her feet soon.
He hadn't wished her in the morn 
and now it was way past noon.

He entered the driveway hurriedly.
It was at half past four
Took off his tie and shoes
and threw his  briefcase on the floor.

He ran and turned on  the television.
There was again an "important"  match.
" Arsensal" vs " Manchester United"
Now this was a game he had to catch.

She heard his voice in the drawing room
yelling loud and happy cheers.
She ran from the kitchen to greet him happily
but was met with a table full of Budweisers.

She stood in front of the screen
and asked him " Do you know what day it is today?"
He looked at her irritatedly and said " It's the premier league final,
Darling move aside, you're standing in my way!"

" I can't believe you forgot our anniversary
But you remembered your game.
You haven't wished or kissed me at all
aren't you in the least bit ashamed."

He said " Now my dear don't over react.
I will wish you in sometime.
This match will end in 90 minutes.
go pour yourself a glass of wine."

The wife could take his football obsession no more
Finally she decided, she had to come up with a cure.
She ran to the bedroom and from his side drawer pulled out his gun
smiled to herself and said " now let's have some anniversary fun."

She went up to him and pointed the gun to his head
" If you don't stop this football mania at once,
you'll be watching football from heaven  
with the twelve apostles,  instead!"

He knew she could do it.
He could see murder in her eyes.
A year has passed since then,
the happy couple's now blessed with a bonny baby boy!!

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