Saturday, April 20, 2013

An " Abstained" Wedding Night

It was a bright, sunny day of Spring,
where they both exchanged diamond studded wedding rings,
amongst a crowd of over a hundred
friends, colleagues, kith and kindred.

They wed on March 1st,  the beginning of the Lenten season,
The groom was overtly religious and didn't want a grand celebration.
He was against the serving of Whiskys, Rums and spirits of any kind
so to the toast, everyone raised their glasses filled with grape juice and not red wine.

The bride agreed to all the grooms whims and fancies,
she knew a wedding day to a marriage had less sanctity.
She was happy to spend the rest of her life with her love from work
though he had his own oddities and peculiar quirks.

Finally the reception ended, they rushed to their hotel room,
she sat on the bed gazing lovingly at her groom.
She sat close to him, whilst he slowly undressed
her hand on his thigh, she gently caressed.

But as her fingers moved upwards, he moved away.
He said " No no darling, we can't make love today!"
She asked, " Why??", with a quizzical expression
" Isn't the wedding night meant to be a night of memorable passion!"

He turned away and said " I'm sorry but it's lent, I'll have to abstain.
Don't worry after Easter, I'll be all yours on our honeymoon in Spain."
She couldn't believe the man she just married had said what he had said.
She replied wryly " Ok darling, but why not abstain completely 
and  till Easter make the floor your bed!"

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