Saturday, April 13, 2013

An Obsession gone wrong

She was dressed in a short black dress, sipping beer at Ole Vics bar,
he was seated by himself at a table not too far.
He noticed she was  beautiful but there was distance in her eyes,
she was a rapturous beauty indeed, but a Devil in Disguise.
Yes.... she was a  devil in disguise,
it hadn't dawned on him that she was "the devil in disguise"
and when she looked back at him, he was completely mesmerized.
She walked up to his table and sat down by his side
she sat so close to him that his left hand brushed her thigh.
She bent towards him and whispered in his ear,
he paid the bill hurriedly and they swiftly disappeared.
He took her to his apartment just a few blocks away
and they made sweet, passionate love through the night and all next day.
She knew she had enraptured him, , she was his master, he her slave,
she knew she had him trapped, she was his queen, he her knave.
She had now become his passion, his muse, his obsession,
she was now his fetish, an infatuating fascination.
Aware of his feelings, she deprived him of her,
she was not with him for a commitment, only fornication and carefree pleasure.
And so she played with his feelings, psyched his heart and his mind
To the world she resembled an angel, but she was the most evil of her kind.
She seduced other men in his presence, tortured him in every single way,
till finally he realized he couldn't take it anymore, he decided to end it all one day.
He ran up to his room pulled out the gun from the drawer in his wardrobe
he pointed it to his head and shot himself just above his earlobe.
The gun fell from his hand, he fell flat on the ground
he felt life leaving him with a hard hitting sound.
She was at the bar waiting for him impatiently,
he was always there before her but this time he wasn't, surprisingly.
She walked to his apartment and pushed open the front door,
she shrieked in fright when she saw him lying in blood on the cold stone floor.
She knelt down, held him tight and picked up his blood soaked gun,
she could understand why he had done what he had done.
She checked the bullets and pointed the gun at her heart,
he had become her obsession too, from him, she couldn't live apart.

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