Sunday, April 14, 2013

When Death Came Knocking

At an unearthly hour at night, 
he heard a loud knock on the door,
standing there was a ravishing lady dressed in black,
from head to her black nailed toe.
She looked him in the eye and said "My darling,I hope you're ready.
It's high time we leave ."
His face turned ashen and ghastly white, 
shoulders slumped in his night shirt sleeves.

He cried and begged "Oh, please please do let me stay!
I'm not ready yet, surely not today."
I've just become a new father a month ago,
I'd love to be part of my daughter's life,
 watch her take her first step, watch her grow.
I'd love to see her graduate, 
earn her first pay.
Fall in love, get married, 
be a grandfather, one day.
I want to grow old with my beloved wife, 
my childhood sweetheart.
We'd promised we'd never desert one another,
till death do us apart.
Please dear lady, please spare me,
 I'm only thirty four,
there's lots for me to do in this world,
time I need some more."

The lady in black sat herself down, 
from her pocket she pulled out a black book
she had targets to achieve night and day, 
from Mother Earth's every nook.
She stood up and said " I guess today's your lucky night, my friend
today your spared,
your life will not end.
In your place, I'll take the old man from the next house,
He's a ripe old ninety four,
but I'll be back for you fifty years from now my friend, 
knocking on this very same door!"

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