Tuesday, April 9, 2013


She walked down the cobblestone street
on a cold, winter's night
not a solitary soul to be seen 
not a stray animal in sight.

She left the baby near a garbage bin 
in a basket all covered in hay
she looked around to her left and right
and slyly walked away.

She desperately wanted this baby
but it was not hers to keep
it was born out of sin, out of wedlock
To face the pressures of society,
she was too powerless, too weak.

She wept uncontrollably,
big tears rolled down her distraught face.
She knew in her heart of hearts
to womanhood, to motherhood
she was a thorough disgrace.

She knew what it felt to be unwanted
she had experienced it nine months ago.
He had used her, abused her, loved her,
but treated her like an unpaid whore.

She turned to look at her baby
all wrapped in a basket in hay.
She ran and took her in her arms,
and said " you'll never feel unwanted,my darling daughter
it's a mother's promise, come what may!"

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