Thursday, April 11, 2013

An Ill-fated Gift

He came home early from work, thought he'd give her a surprise.
But instead, he was in for a bigger one,he shockingly realized.
She was asleep in bed with another man, wrapped in a red satin sheet.
Through the bedroom door, he surreptitiously peeked.

He turned red and quietly walked away furiously.
He cried " oh Lord, God why did she do this to me!!
I've been faithful and a loving husband from our wedding day.
I've been her provider, her lover, her friend in every possible way!"

He walked filled with wrath to the study down below,
Opened a drawer picked up the pistol of SIG Pro.    * ( Swiss manufacturer of pistols)
He ran upstairs to the bedroom and stood quietly in front of the bed,
pointed the pistol at his sleeping wife and her lover and shot them both in the head.

The satin red sheets were now wet, covered with blood.
The blood flowing from the heads of lover and wife had caused a crimson flood.
He dragged down the bodies and wrapped them in the red satin sheet,
but the sheet was not long enough to cover their four feet.

He dumped the bodies in the ready made hole in the garden late into the night.
He had planned to make a little pond with ducks and other pretty sights.
This hole has finally come of use, he thought to himself smartly
a perfect burial place for his wife and her lover, he smiled nefariously.

He went back into the house and cleaned it spic and span
he didn't leave a trace of his wife or that of the other man.
He fell asleep on the sofa, due to excitement and exhaustion
he slept like a baby, comfortable in his blood and mud stained tainted skin.

Next morning, he awoke, bathed and went off to work,
He worked until late, there was no one to nag now, it was an added perk.
When he got home, he was surprised to see the neighbour from next door with his  docile lad.
He remember gifting the  boy a pair of binoculars that he had got from his dad.
At the side, there were two police officers waiting for him patiently,
They took him by the arm, handcuffed him and said " you're under arrest" grimly.

He was shell shocked and stood helplessly surprised, 
how could they've known so soon he had killed the wife's lover and his wife.
There couldn't have been a witness, there wasn't anyone around.
He had been extremely vigilant, burying them without a sound.

But the little boy from his room had seen the man pull tirelessly the bundled red satin sheet,
what amazed the little fella' most was the jutting out of two pairs of  different feet.
Everything looked so big and so clear through his pair of binoculars,
but though he was only ten, he knew it didn't seem right, nor blithe nor jocular.

He stared at the boy and the boy looked at him in dejection.
He said " I am sorry Mr. Harris I had to tell my dad, I couldn't keep it in."
"I never ever thought your gift would catch you at your own game.
I guess you should've given me a car instead." Mr. Harris hung his head in shame.

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