Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Love gone crazy

He saw her standing at the market place,
the same effervescent smile lit her face.
It took him down memory lane twenty years ago,
where from friends to lovers, they did grow.
He loved her passionately with all his heart,
He couldn't fathom staying from her apart.
But one summer's day, she migrated to a new land
and he was left a lonely  man.
She tearfully bid farewell before she left,
But this made him angry and bereft.
And in the most abhorrent way, 
He said " I hate you, please go away!"
She stood silently and stared at him,
his words had cut her from within.
She left him standing all alone,
he repentant of his misdemeanor and forlorn.

She saw him standing at the market place,
staring at her effervescent face.
She smiled and towards him walked,
it had been awhile since they had talked.
His heart for her still, did pound,
he could hear the deafening palpitation sound.
But before they could start their overdue chat
a man approached her in a tweed suit and a bowling hat.
She told him " I'll meet you at the cafe in sometime,
I need to catch up with this old friend of mine."
The man in the hat bowed, smiled and walked away.
He looked at her, he didn't know what to say.
He realised she had married and had her own brood.
He could feel an alteration in his happy mood.
He said " You better get back to your husband, don't make him wait,
I better get going, I can't be late."
She laughed and said " He's my brother, don't you remember,
playing cops and robbers with him in those cold Novembers.
I never did marry, I could never love again.
I loved only once but that brought me pain."
He wept bitterly, tears streamed down his eyes,
" Please forgive me, you know my retortion was all lies.
I loved you then and I love you now too.
I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from you."

" There he is, there is that mad man,
Hurry! Hurry get him into the van."
Three nurses  caught him, whilst he fought to let go,
he raved and ranted till he couldn't anymore.
She stood still in shock as to the St. Louis asylum, he was driven away,
if only she had forgiven him then, he wouldn't be a lunatic today.

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