Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An " Ice Breaking" April Fool's day

She had been married to him for two months,
but they slept on separate beds.
It was a typical  "Arranged Marriage". 
They  met just a week, before they were finally wed.

There was a certain awkwardness between them. 
To each other, they were strangers still.
But they kept up the husband-wife charade for the world to see,
knowing that deep down,they were married against their will.

Finally, she decided that she could take this silence, 
this indifference no more.
She waited for him patiently to get back from work, 
to walk through the old carved, bedroom door.

She watched as he entered,
put his briefcase on the bed and took off his tie.
He  took off his shoes and socks,
then sat himself on the rocking chair, nearby.

She walked slowly up to him and with a straight face said
" I've got something to tell you,I hope you'll be happy to hear,
I'm pregnant and we'll be parents, 
by the end of this year."

He stared at her, his face turning a ripe tomato red.
He shouted " How can that be possible,
when we've not consummated our marriage,
We've been sleeping on two separate beds!!"

She slyly looked up at him and said" It's the first of April, April fool's day,
I only wished to play a prank on you and make you laugh away."

His frown disappeared from his face 
and his mouth curled into a smile.
He took her in his arms and lovingly said " I knew that my darling wife.
I wasn't angry, I thought I'd made a fool out of you too, 
only for a short while!"

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