Saturday, January 7, 2012

Birthdays....treats and celebrations...

It's not my birthday today...I have a month and 8 days to celebrate my 'Happy Budday'..

Today missing a birthday treat of a very close friend. That's what made me write this blog post!
I'm sure we all remember our Birthday parties and treats with friends and family.
I remember the school days when we were kids, on birthdays we were allowed to wear party 'Frocks' or 'coloured clothes'( later it was stopped) and we could take sweets like Eclairs or Melodies or chocolates and distribute it to our class mates and butter the teachers up by giving them a few extra sweets.

Birthday parties would be celebrated home with close friends and family, with a lovely birthday cake sometimes in the shape of a swimming pool or a train or a humpty dumpty or a cake in the shape of your age ( now the favourite is Barbie or Dora). The house would be decorated with colourful balloons, lot of home made goodies..
Blowing out the candles on the cake, (though as you get older it's difficult to blow all off),
Games like passing the parcel, Musical chairs or arms, Bombing the city etc with funny forfeits were played with much enthusiasm and gusto. At the end, little return gifts would be handed out. ( I loved that part best when I went for birthday parties as a kid, and was crestfallen if there wasn't a return gift).

As we grew up, birthdays would be celebrated at home with family and we'd treat friends at restaurants or invite them over for lunches or dinners.
Enjoyed those treats, girlish banter over food, what a super combination.
In fact, enjoyed a lovely birthday treat with my childhood friend in Dubai with kids et al.
Though Mikhail chose a super time to do his job and did a jig for his Pamper change, we mostly running around after our two boys and 6 year old girl and stood most of the time, the food was 'Yum' and it was great fun!

Today will be missing my friend's treat in Mumbai where there'll be lots of chatter and laughter and ensuring she keeps sufficient space for the best part of the treat, the dessert.

Being away in a foreign land, I know I'll be missing a lot of birthday treats of friends but till I'm away from their birthdays physically, they can always have an extra piece of cake or dessert for me.

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