Thursday, January 12, 2012

Love is....

What is Love? Is it just a four letter word?
"I love you" and "do you love me?"is that all you've ever heard,
Love is much more than that I say,
Let me tell you what love is my way.

Love is doing the unthinkable and unheard,
It is sometimes actions that speak louder than words.
Love is listening to a husband's snores,
So loud you can hear them through closed doors.
Love is cooking your husband's favourite dish or doing things you don't want to do,
But you do it cause' you love him too.
Love stems from down deep inside your heart,
It moves you to tears or at times makes you so happy you want to chomp on a lemon tart.
Love is a feeling it has no end,
It is not restricted to a loved one or a very special friend.
You can love the sight of a setting sun,
Or even the laughter of a little one.
As a great prophet said " Love one another as I have loved you"
But in today's world, does this hold true?
Where love and hate always collide,
And hate victorious on its throne sits with pride.
So let's defeat hate and continue to love one another,
Regardless of caste, creed, position or colour.

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