Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do Actions speak louder than words...

An ancient proverb says: "Actions speak louder than words". Good words ought to be coupled with good deeds.
But I believe actions and words have to be given equal importance when it comes to a child.
Why do I say so?
I have a live example right in front of me my 22 month old toddler.
He imitates or copies nearly everything I do, be it household chores like mopping or vacuuming or laundry. He tries to do it all.
I'm sure most of our toddlers nowadays know how to use a blackberry or any phone as they watch us and in time ape us in our phone mannerisms.
This is just a very small example on actions. There are a lot more things that Mikhail tries to do, which amazes me as he is just a baby.
When it comes to words, we need to be extremely careful what we say in front of our kids.
I have this bad habit of saying ' oh shit', but now stopped using it as Mikhail has started picking up words and I don't want him to go around saying 'oh shit'.
So I say ' oh no' instead and he does the same.
Also some months back, the priest in church said "Peace be with you" and now whenever we go to church Mikhail keeps on saying "Peace". His favourite words are 'Happy' and 'Peace'. Luckily he has picked up the right words.
But here I'm talking about a toddler, but what about us adults.
Take our politicians, they promise the moon, but when it comes to implementing the promises, they are hiding underground.
Sometimes we too make promises, but like sand flowing through our hand, fail to keep them.
Or is it because circumstances make us fail to convert our words into actions, do we bite off more than we can chew!
And then there's a proverb ' a slap is easier forgotten than an insult' which contradicts the action speaks louder than words statement.
Or best.... keep silent, as silence is golden.

But I really don't know, I'm not Sister Charmaine or Baba Charmdev...
I just know that I'm trying to walk the talk, because if I preach honesty and love and being polite etc etc to my son or give gyaan to people in general..I need to practise it myself.
More so when it comes down to my son, I would like him to be a better human being than I am, I'm sure all mothers want that, we all want our kids to be G.ones not Ra-ones, don't we!

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