Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spare the rod and spoil the child

Spare the rod and spoil the child,
so do we spank them when they act wild.
I know it's written in the bible too,
But for today's kids does this hold true!

If they misbehave do we smack them hard,
Or do we punish them...make them do push ups in the back yard.
If we shout and scold them will they drift away,
Not talk to us parents till the next day.

Spare the rod and spoil the child,
This thought often crosses my mind.
Should I be harsh or should I be mild,
When my toddler is rude or unkind.
I love my son and want him to be good too,
But spanking as a solution doesn't always hold true.
Certain things can be explained with love
and not always with a shoe or a boxing glove..

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