Thursday, January 12, 2012

Virginity is it really a big deal!

Read the Times of India and read about 22-year-old Natalie Dylan in the United States who publicly auctioned her virginity to pay for her college education. And, her going rate touched a whopping $3.7 million!

But that's the US ...what about India where virginity is still considered a big deal.
I remember one of the 24 eligible bachelors I met in my maniacal matchmaking process asked me point blank " Are you a virgin?"...
I was stunned and shocked. What a question!
I replied "Yes" emphatically, but my blood had reached boiling point.
I am not here to discuss my virginity, as we all know Mikhail was not conceived by an immaculate conception.
Here to discuss whether virginity is a criteria for marriage or not.
In India,in the case of arranged marriages it still seems to be considered a sin or taboo or the woman is considered promiscuous. Else tongues would wag and eyebrows would be raised on a woman's virginity.
I guess it's a boost to the male ego to pop his wife's cherry first ;). Don't mean to be crude but that's the truth in our Indian male dominated world.
I don't think women or society would react in the same manner, if it was the other way around.
Marriage is based on more important things like love and trust and understanding...not virginity.

Besides the virginity issue, what I find .....can't say amusing but disturbing is that kids are losing their virginity at very young ages of 15 or 16 or maybe even younger.
It's considered 'cool' to sleep around...its not kids....try chocolate instead ....
At that age, we were so naïve and innocent. Sex was considered a bad word and very taboo. Our Hindi movies showed two flowers move or shake, when the hero had to kiss the heroine. But now it's different.
I'm not here to pass judgement on people who have pre-marital sex it's is your choice.
Only use protection...better a baby after marriage than before...I say.

What worries me is when my son grows up...what kind of promiscuous world will he grow up in.
Nigel has already warned me to be practical...but all I can shout is ' nahiiiiiin...' like a doting possessive mother ( inshallah I don't turn one).

But all I can say on virginity and sex a job..some come with experience some don't ...just accept it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Char! that took a lot of self control. I would have opted for a) a knuckle sandwich or b) Ask him "are you a virgin?". That being said I hate the double standard that we grew and still grow up with. Also have you noticed even in the English language (an slang) the word "whore" refers to a woman who sleeps around. But, for a man who sleeps around he is called a "Casanova".
