Monday, January 16, 2012

Senti ' mental' Me

I've often been told use your head not your heart, don't be sentimental
Be careful, use your mind and be practical
But if I did use my mind that wouldn't be me,
It would drive me crazy and give me bouts of insanity!
Yes it's necessary to listen to your mind but also follow your heart,
You can't always suppress what you feel like a constipated fart.
Sometimes you need to take some risks,
If you want to live life to the best and the fullest.

I think with my heart more than my mind
But hasn't God given a heart to all of mankind!
Yes, I've been loved,hurt and pushed over too,
But that doesn't stop me from using my heart and putting it to good use.
Sometimes the hardest decisions are made with the heart,
They may draw us closer or may tear us apart.
The death of a loved one, a path sometimes shows,
Where relationships and love are valued much more than before.
Maybe there's a child still inside me,So call me senti 'mental' or crazy,
But I'm going to use my heart to the maximum till eternity.

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