Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do you have Time!

A question I ask each one of you ,
Do you have time for me or yourselves too.
Do you have time to stand and stare,
To take a break from work, breathe some fresh air.
To listen to the chirping of the morning birds,
Or listen to music you've never heard.

Do you have time to say 'I love you' to the ones you love,
Or time to thank the almighty above
For giving us this gift of time,
Which indeed is most precious and sublime.

Do you have time to write or phone your friends,
To start afresh or make amends.
To write a simple letter or send a tweet on twitter,
You never know by doing so, you could get to know someone better.

Time waits for no man, it is often said,
Then why don't we get that message into our head.
Don't procrastinate, Time soon flies away,
You'll realise it when you grow old one day,
there were so many things you wanted to say or do,
But you did not have time then
And now there's no time left in life for you.

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