Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Potholes and traffic jams- Mumbaikars woes

In October 2011, when I visited Mumbai,
I was shocked to see,
Potholes on every road and nearly every street.
I thought Mumbai disintegrated into bits and pieces only during the rains,
But it now seems to be monthly affair to add to our pain.
Potholes is a ritual we face year after year,
Why make a trip to the moon,
when we can see craters here.

And now when I drive down the roads of Dubai,
I wonder whether we could dream of such smooth, bump free roads in Amchi Mumbai.
An ex-chief minister thought he could make Mumbai a superior city like Shanghai you see,
But I guess he was suffering from bouts of insanity.
With bumper to bumper traffic and endless jams,
I sometimes feel sorry for our hapless poorly paid police man,
Standing for hours on end around corners and bends,
But to no avail his job of manoeuvring Mumbai traffic doesn't seem to end.

From Bandra to Fort,it takes more than two and a half hours,
Sometimes I feel most of our life is spent in entertaining ourselves in taxis, buses or cars.
Where the same distance or more in Dubai is travelled in 20 minutes or less,
Why is the traffic situation in Mumbai always a mess!
I'm sorry, I sound like a snooty NRI,
But I really wished my Mumbai could be a well run Dubai.
Mumbai is my first love and birthplace as you all know,
But it no longer is the Mumbai in which I grew up before.
With the potholes, traffic jams and garbage or rubbish thrown sometimes from Mercedes and BMW cars,
I feel saddened to say for Mumbai to become a Shanghai or Dubai,
The dream seems unattainable and far.

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