Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've got the Fever

What a way to start the new year
With a high temperature fever!
Coughing and sneezing out my lungs,
Have an awful taste on my tongue.
I'm covered upto my head with a thick quilt,
Feel like the tower of Pisa on a tilt.
I can't believe I've lost my appetite to eat,
can't bear the sight of fish or even meat.
I can feel the heaviness in my head,
I want to stay the entire day in bed.
Something I normally wouldn't do,
I'm always on my feet, there's something I'm always up to.

Maybe the fever is a blessing in disguise,
Where the home is looked after by my two handsome guys.
Also fever is a natural way to lose excess weight,
No exercising one bit, ain't that great.
See there's a positive outcome even from fever,
Maybe my resolution of losing weight will be met this year.

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