Thursday, January 12, 2012

No strings attached ........

Another controversial topic....but for me it's more of a shocker....what is this sex-buddy? Just read about this on The Times of India mobile site.
Call me old fashioned or narrow minded....but what is this new kinda friend....Hey Bhagwan! What's happening with the world!

I thought to sleep with need to have some feelings...some chemistry.
Yes you can have chemistry with friends too...but doesn't mean you end up in bed with them.
Found the movie 'No strings attached' also stupid...because once you get physical in a relationship you end up getting emotionally attached too.

Someone has written that when they feel lonely they just call their friends and have a good romp...and that's it. She has slept with 5 such 'buddies'...this makes her more like a prostitute only she's not charging....she's giving herself for free.
If you feel lonely, read, watch TV, movies...catch up with friends, write, eat...

Making love or sexual intercourse is with someone you love ( that's what I believe)...not with every Tom, Dick, Harry or Sally, Julie or Polly.
The world is moving toooooo fast for my husband says move with the times..when I spoke to him about what I read.
But I believe friendship and Love is not only sex and making out. It's much more than that...
(Read my blog on love, on friends... read a Tale of two cities :) ) .

I think of the future and wonder when our kids turn 19 and bring some girls/guys over...and introduces them to us as friends...wonder what kinda friends will they be....I guess I'll be all white by then.

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