Friday, January 13, 2012

Can you pick up the pieces of a long lost friendship...

Can you pick up the pieces of a long lost friendship?
That's a question I ask myself and I ask all you people out there.
Is it okay to tread on an unknown path, venture or dare.
Time has flown, lives have changed,
Do we want to renew old friendships again?
I want to, but really don't know,
What if those friends want friendship no more!
Don't blame those friends too,
Cause' suddenly I've woken up from out of the blue.
I guess in the past, time was a foe, not on my side,
thoughts of these friends, had crossed my mind, but emailing or writing, I never tried.

In the good old days, friendships were so good and pure,
You don't make friends like those anymore.
Where you could laugh and could just be yourself,
Where you didn't have to be someone else.

I don't know whether these friends will again cross my path,
But I do know that they created indelible memories in my mind and heart.

Let the future take its own course...whatever will be will be,
I'll try and then leave it in the hands of God, fate and destiny.

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