Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Three years of marital bliss and counting.......

18 January 2009, three years or 1095 days ago,
Married my office sweetheart and promised to be his wife forever and ever more.
And what a wonderful journey it has been,
Together treading the path of marriage, the unheard and unseen...
A wonderful life partner Nigel turned out to be,
For accepting me just the way I am, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Though I wonder why did I have to go through 24 maniacal marriage proposals and dates..
But I believe in destiny and Nigel was indeed worth the wait.

He is not Mr. Perfect and that's what I love,
As I didn't want a Jesus Christ straight from heaven above.
I always wanted someone kind, understanding, with great humour and wit
Someone with whom I could just be myself and be comfortable with.

He is my soul mate, my best friend, my lover, my confidante,
Without him I won't exist, I know I can't
He is made me what I am today,
A better human being, a wife, a mother...what more can I say.

He has been true to me in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health,
Just being with him for me is the happiest and greatest wealth.

He knows that I love him, but on this blog I won't say I do,
Because that's between me and him, and not between me and you.

So Happy Anniversary Nigel, your name means dark night,
But for me you are my hero shining armoured handsome knight.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. Happy Anniversary once again. I'm sure the knight in shining armour has something special in store for you today :)
