Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Studies no it so!

I look back at my past and think of the word that I dreaded the most ' Study'.

I loved school, loved going to school but being the Happy-go-lucky type the thought of studying and reading those books called 'Subjects' never appealed to me.

I remember arguing with my parents about giving the Geography exam during my 10th preliminary exams.
There were 40 chapters for 40 marks..I mean how foolish could the board be to allocate 1 mark for 1 chapter.
Some were long some were short chapters. I remember throwing tantrums as I felt it to be a waste of time to write the Geography paper.
History another waste of time!
It was always about Shivaji...whether in the fourth grade, 8th grade or 10th grade...Shivaji was there.
I loved reading about him though, especially the chapter on him and Afzal Khan...but how much knowledge is too much!
And then endless dates of the different did it really matter...I know that I'm born on 15th February 1979... Who cares when General X or Y was born or that Hitler died on 21st April 1945..good riddance to bad rubbish..I say.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Algebra, Geometry....French, English and Hindi were too much to study.
Chemistry was too much formulae..Physics made me psychotic and Geometry ...till today can't draw a line straight.
Algebra I felt made me better my English with all the As and Bs.
French I liked ..there were funny words to pommes for apple and also the tuition teacher was cute.
English I loved for the lovely poetry.

I remember my dad waking me up with 'flying pillows' at 6 AM to make me study.
One funny instance was 30th September 1993, I remember waking up early to study Hindi and suddenly felt the was the Bhuj earthquake..but I was petrified and jumped back into the bed.
I'm ever grateful to my mother who took a months leave from work to teach me tirelessly...that's what made me get a pretty decent mid eighties percentage in SSC.

But after SSC or Icse what?..the only options were Arts, Commerce or Science.
After that engineering, MBA or CA...if you have the dough go abroad and study, if not study in India.
Kids are luckier now, there are more options..there's event management, specialisation in actuarial science, film making, etc etc.. 17 years ago and prior to that we didn't have such options.
I did an MBA ( Master in Bakwaas Administration I say) in Finance but when I look back I did not use it in my field of Banking. And there are no qualifications needed for what I do a 'Momster' or a 'spousetant'.
So why did I study!!!
Luckily, Mikhail is too little to read my blog voicing my anti study opinion.
But I know my studies do not end.
Once Mikhail starts school I'll have to study to teach him and the best part is teach him a language ' Arabic' of which I know only two words..
Jamal - camel and Shukran - Thank you.

Woe is me...there is no riddance to studying or ' studies'.

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