Thursday, February 23, 2012

Charmaine had a little son... (like Mary had a little Lamb)

Charmaine had a little son and his name was Mikhail,
And everywhere that Charmaine went, he'd follow with an impish smile.
He followed her everywhere, to the toilet too.
Poor Charmaine, she couldn't do anything at leisure, not even her number two.

She thought she'd put him in pre-school, one day,
He'd be two and it was not against the rules, 
But she felt he's too small and would miss him,
Oh ain't she a big fat fool!!

She does grumble and she does  rant,
At his tantrums, she tears her hair in despair,
She gives him a smack or two,
But she loves him and she really does care!!

Luckily he sleeps in the afternoon, 
she has some time alone,
If he didn't, she'd surely go mad, 
you'd find her in a Mental home!!

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