Thursday, February 23, 2012

One year up in Dubai....

24th February I complete one year in Dubai, 
First time been away so long, from Amchi Mumbai.
And what a wonderful year it has been!!
Experiencing the unthinkable and unseen!!
Experienced a lot of 'firsts' in this one year,
Just Nigel, Mikhail and me, no Daji or Rangel family here!
Our first Easter, Christmas, New year and my birthday in a different country,
Celebrating with friends, who are now the new family!
God has also been very good too,
For giving me my closest friend, as a neighbour in 702! :)
Started my new job as homemaker in a country all alone,
And I'm happy I'm managing well, though I do it all on my own!
I love Dubai, a melting pot of food and nationalities, a home away from home,
But my first love will always be Mumbai, no matter where I roam!!

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