Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toddler Tantrums...

Toddlers at times are such a bother,
Their mood changes as often as the erratic weather,
They want cookies for breakfast instead of scrambles,
And if they don't get what they want, they cry and mumble.
Instead of soup, they want custards for lunch,
And instead of milk, on chocolates they want to munch.
They want to watch Nursery Rhymes instead of football play,
And like bullied poor souls we mothers, don't get to watch television the entire day!
They are smart and independent and want to do what we do,
If you don't allow them to do so, they'll rave and rant and your brains they'll chew.
They know how to manipulate and control us mothers,
They know they can't try these tricks with their strict, loud baritone fathers.
But then mothers are built in such a way,
To manage our toddlers whims and fancies day after day after day after day...
That doesn't mean we pamper or spoil them rotten,
But sometimes we need to teach them what is right and once in a way have to give in.
I sometimes wonder how my mother managed me,
Lucky for her, now the husband faces my tantrums and not she,
that too at an age of ripe old thirty three.. :).