Friday, February 24, 2012

Congratulations it's a boy......

"Congratulations, how lucky, you've got a boy", people wished me with elated joy,
This took place when my son was born,
But if I gave birth to a baby girl, 
would I be looked down upon with contempt and scorn.
I was shocked and filled with anger,
disheartened that people even today,
 make sexist differences with the female and male gender, 
I'm really sad and sorry to say.

I wonder whether  such discriminations exists in the animal world,
Does a lioness disown her cub if she knows it's a girl!
Does a mother goose, away from her girl geese wander,
And fly away with her little gander.
Does a shark or a salmon from their thousand eggs,
Select only the male eggs and crush the others instead.
Do bees, flies, grasshoppers differentiate like the human race,
No!! It's only us human beings who commit such acts of disgrace!!

Why are we so ashamed to say we have given birth to a daughter, instead of a son,
Why do we feel that giving birth to a boy indeed makes you feel, a race you've won!!
I know my parents were elated when they gave birth to me, 
They considered me their lucky charm and their Ghar ki Laxmi.
I would've been equally happy if Mikhail was a Chanel too,
My only worry was if she had long hair, I really wouldn't know what to do!!
But on a serious note, people please love your daughters, treat them like your sons, equally,
Don't treat them as burdens, but educate them, they will never be a  liability!!

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