Monday, February 20, 2012

Voter's Apathy....Pathetic!!

I was disheartened to read about the political apathy
Where less than 45% Mumbaikars voted on 16th February!!
We waste time watching the stupidest movies and have time to party,
But can't take 30 minutes out of one day,
to cast a precious vote in the polls of our Municipality!!

Voting is a fundamental right which we need to exercise,
But we don't do so and just stand back and criticise.
The people who didn't vote are the one's who always grumble and complain,
That in the city there's no security, the quality of life is shoddy,
From grumbling they should refrain.
It's sad that those who didn't turn up, are people who are well-off and educated,
These are the people who should have voted and in the development of our society contributed.
But these selfish wimps would rather stay at home and while away their time on social networking,
Rather than spend it wisely and cast their vote, in the BMC polling.

I really wish our Indian government would come out with an online polling system,
Where Indians in different parts of the world, could cast their vote online,
despite the metric distance.
If we voted maybe it would benefit our fellow Indians in our country faraway,
Or maybe make up for the 55% who didn't turn up to vote on  16 February, 
that ill-fated polling day!!

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