Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's day letter to my Valentine - My Husband!

My Dearest Husband,

16 June 2005, at the HSBC training center that's the first time on you I laid my eyes,
who thought I'd end up with you,my darling husband, 
for me indeed it was love at first sight.
Your lovely brown eyes, your height, your broad shoulders, your jet black hair,
I'm sorry though after marrying me, your hair has lessened up there!

I love our long conversations, they never seem to stop,
And the piping hot ginger tea you make at sharp 7 o'clock!
The warmest morning hug and the lovely morning kiss,
Oh...being married to you gives me a feeling of bliss!!

I love the way you love me no matter what I do,
Though sometimes I am childish and pretty annoying too.
And not that you are perfect, oh you're definitely not my dear,
But that's what makes us perfect, together with our imperfections, I'm sure!

I love the way you pamper me and many times give in to my ways,
I'll never forget when I was expecting, how you drove me at midnight to Baskin's,
for the double scoop brownie sundae!

I don't need today to say that 'I love you', you know that I do and I always will,
No matter where life or the next seven lives take us, I will always be yours and yours alone,
The one and only Mrs. Charmaine Nigel Rangel!!

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