Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What are Memories.....

What are memories?
Moments of days gone by,
Moments of happiness or sadness, 
moments which made us in anguish, cry.

What are memories?
Old and new pictures of family or friends in albums, 
or on walls, or frames on bookshelves.
Or of victorious moments,
when we felt proud of ourselves.

What are memories?
Feelings of heartbreak, broken friendships, loss of loved ones,
or of unions, new friendships or birth of a child, 
celebration of a birthday of a daughter or a son.

What are memories?
Crazy moments of youth, moments of rebellion, 
of freedom, of love, of hate, of fury,
Or of coming of age, of adulthood, of maturity.

Memories, no matter how hard you try, can never be erased,
They are embossed in our minds and in our hearts, will always stay 
they will remain with us till our last breath, 
till dust we turn into, one day.

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